Tips & Tricks

Pssst! We’re sharing makeup and “how to feel beautiful” secrets – pass it on! This is where you’ll find makeup industry tips, and reminders about how gorgeous you really are. Get ready to use these in your own glamourous pursuits.

More content on these important topics will be updated soon, but in the meantime, we regularly post makeup hints and tips over at our Facebook page –

Do You Need ‘Brow Rehab’?

Posted by Peta-Gai | no comments

This Blog Post was originally published in the Australian Content Magazine. The power of the haughty arch of a beautifully sculpted brow should not be underestimated. It’s a multi-talented facial feature, which can convey surprise, derision, anger, sarcasm, seduction and…

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Creating Fabulous Personal Branding

Posted by Peta-Gai | no comments

Recently, I’ve been working with some clients on their overall image and how they portray themselves to the world and I’ve noticed a few key points that will make your next foray into the public space a self-assured, beautifully groomed…

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How to Rock a Red Lip

Posted by Peta-Gai | no comments

How to Rock a Red Lip “I can’t wear a red lip – it just doesn’t suit my colouring”, said one of my Makeup Lesson clients the other day. Ihear this a lot with red lippie. Somewhere, some of us have gotten…

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Holiday Makeup Tips & Hints – How to look amazing all day and night!

Posted by Peta-Gai | no comments

  This holiday season, it’s easy to do your own makeup and look the part for Christmas and New Year glamour. Iridis Makeup Maven Peta-Gai shares the six key products that you need to ensure your makeup lasts the distance, looks amazing…

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The Makeup Dilemma: Are you actually attractive without makeup?

Posted by Peta-Gai | 2 responses

When I started Iridis Cosmetics I was always really concerned about the message that a makeup company sends to its market; the message that you “need” to wear makeup in order to look pretty. I never wanted Iridis to fall…

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